Welcome to a psychological personnel assessment
Congratulations, you have been invited to a personal evaluation! This means that you were one of the top candidates for the position you have applied for or that your employer has requested us to assess how your skills could be utilised in the future. For you, this evaluation is an excellent opportunity to learn more about yourself and identify your skills and goals regarding your work and career.
Read this page if you want to know more about the evaluation day schedule or receive further information about our psychological suitability evaluations.
Read this page if you want to know more about the evaluation day schedule or receive further information about our psychological suitability evaluations.
Different assessments for different needs
Suitability assessment
A psychological suitability assessment is an important part of the recruitment process and a useful tool for finding the most suitable person to fill a vacancy. The assessment criteria are related to the job requirements and the characteristics the recruiting organisation wants the selected person to have. The assessment also aims to determine how well the vacancy and the recruiting organisation meet the candidate’s expectations. In other words, the goal is to verify the mutual compatibility between the candidate and the vacant position and the recruiting organisation. The suitability assessment report is always prepared on a case-by-case basis and it is not applicable to other similar positions.
Potential assessment
Our potential assessment is a useful tool in, for example, coaching, career counselling or restructuring a company’s operations. The potential assessment differs from the suitability assessment by concentrating on surveying specific personal characteristics. The assessment can also be used to assess a person’s motivators, skills and potential for improvement in general.
Assessment methods are selected on the basis of the position and situation
The first stage of the assessment is to define the purpose of the assessment and the assessment criteria. The purpose is to determine what kind of expertise the employer organisation or team needs and what the position requires of the employee themselves. Based on these questions, a psychologist selects exercises that support the evaluation and help define competencies, i.e. strengths, that are crucial to the vacant position or other situational factors.
How to prepare for your assessment
You will receive an email invitation confirming the time and place of your Momentous personnel assessment. The message also includes advance assignments you are expected to complete before the assessment. These assignments include time-limited skills tests and exercises assessing your work approach and thinking that you can complete at your own pace. You may also complete these assignments at our office if you need a quiet space or an internet connection.
As a personnel assessment participant, you are obliged to complete the tests with honesty and to the best of your ability. Complete the assignments when well-rested and in good health. Please inform us of any factors that may have impacted your performance negatively, including illnesses or other challenges. We do not recommend participating in the assessment if you are ill. In case of illness, please contact us.
Assessment meeting
The assessment meeting schedule and duration depend on whether your assessment is conducted remotely or at our office. A remote assessment will take approximately 2–3 hours if you have completed your assignments before the actual assessment day. If your assessment is conducted at our office, the assessment will take approximately 4–5 hours, depending on the nature of the selected assignments and your work speed. In addition to an interview with a psychologist, the assessment may include a simulation and group exercise.
We will give you more information at the start of your assessment meeting. You can of course take breaks during a long day. Please consult our personnel if you have any questions.
During the assessment, you are asked to consider your thinking and working methods from multiple points of view. You may find this challenging at times, but participants usually find the process positive and rewarding. It is good to know one’s personal strengths and potential for improvement – everyone has them. Knowing your strengths and potential for improvement can help you plan your career, for example.
Report and feedback
If the employer has requested a written report, our psychologist consultant will write an assessment statement. We will hold on to the report and your completed assignments for two years. A person’s skills, competencies and characteristics tend to change relevantly little in two years. You will receive a copy of the report within approximately one week of your assessment day.
You may also contact the psychologist who conducted the assessment interview for verbal feedback. Before the feedback discussion, consider which aspects of the report you wish to discuss. Many people find that feedback increases their self-knowledge.
Reporting and decisions
The employer always receives a copy of the same report as the person being evaluated. It is important to remember that the evaluation is only one part of the whole process. Other factors influencing the recruitment decision include the candidate’s work experience, education, job interview, and potential recommendations. All decisions, including recruitment decisions, are made by the employer.
Candidate’s rights in the personnel assessment process
The principles of every service provider conducting personnel assessments should include the objective of providing both the employer and the person being assessed with the best service possible. We respect the rights of the person being assessed under the Data Protection Ombudsman’s privacy protection, which include (regarding the personal evaluation):
- Participation in the assessment is completely voluntary and the person being assessed has the right to set their own limits for the assessment. For example, they may refuse to participate in the assessment.
- The assessment methods should be motivational and transparent in the sense that the person being assessed must understand which skills and characteristics are being measured.
- The assessment assignments and exercises must be relevant to the nature of the open position.
- The assessment is completely confidential. Any information pertaining to the assessment day is disclosed only to the commissioner(s) of the assessment. If the assessment includes a group exercise, the person being assessed is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the other participants.
- Under the Act on the Protection of Privacy in Working Life, the employer or an evaluator assigned by them shall, upon the request of the person being assessed, provide them with a written personal assessment statement free of charge, if such a statement has been prepared.
Our personnel are happy to answer any questions regarding the assessment. Please contact us by email at cresco[at]momentous.fi or by phone at 020 741 5380. For more information about the rights of a person being evaluated or privacy protection, please contact the Data Protection Ombudsman.
We look forward to seeing you!